Wednesday, May 24, 2017


Hace calor. Hace mucho MUCHO calor! In case you weren't aware, Spain is experiencing a heat wave -- a heat wave so intense that it is being reported on the news and they are interviewing pilgrims to see if and how the heat is changing their pilgrimage. All it is doing to CJ and I's pilgrimage is making it sweatier. And bringing more shade breaks and cafe stops for cold drinks. (The latter two are welcomed changes -- I love taking my time and seeing everything there is to see!)

Today we got up a little before seven and started walking: straight. up. hill. Of course, the views at the top are almost always breathtakingly beautiful and make the climb worth it. Our trail today was a mixture of steep ups and steep downs -- luckily there were some shady spots to rest and cool down. 

We met a few fellow pilgrims today: George from Germany, Scott from Scotland, and a mother and daughter duo also from Germany. George has done one Camino every year for the last ten years -- he says next year he is going to vacation at a beach. haha Scott has been on the Camino since March, starting first with the Camino Frances and then the Camino Portuguese and finally the Camino Inglés -- ironically, the same order that I did mine in (although with a minimum year in between to rest; all three back to back is dedicated! The mother and daughter from Germany (the daughter being maybe ten or eleven) are completing their third Camino together, the mom is on her fifth Camino. I guess once you've done one Camino, you truly feel called to come back and walk it again. The trails are so peaceful. Even when the climb is tough. Even when the sun is hot. Even when your pack is heavy, at the end of the day, you accomplished a seemingly impossible task; and of course, you spent your day in camaraderie with you fellow pilgrims and in prayer with the Lord -- and a bonus for me, in the loving presence of my husband. I am so blessed to have someone so patient and encouraging not only to walk with on the Camino but through all of life. 

After another long day of walking, we arrived to our destination: Betanzos. The town is beautiful -- a bit hillier than I like, but I can handle that. We first stopped at our albergue for a shower then went out to find groceries for tomorrow -- there is an 18 km gap between the town we are leaving and the next town what has a cafe / water, so it is important that we stock up. We gathered our grocery items and went to the town square to go into the church and pray for a while. I always find churches to be peaceful places, and this one was no different: Iglesia de Santo Domingo. After praying and obtaining a sello for our passports, we returned to our albergue to deposit our groceries before heading back out to find dinner: döner kababs (a personal favorite). CJ had his first ever kabab -- and enjoyed it a lot! And now we are back at our albergue to get some much needed rest. Our master plan for tomorrow is to rise extra early before the sun so that we get in a good portion of the walk before the sun gets so hot. Although, tomorrow is our most steep day of climbing as well as our longest day ... I think we will be saying lots of prayers!! 

A few photos from today: 

Filling up the water bottles! 

View from the top -- we started at those boats!! 

Mid morning selfie! 

A Fuentes hidden in the countryside -- a beautiful place to rest and fill up the water bottles! 


It wouldn't. R a post without a pic of a stone marker! 

CJ's first kabob!! 

the church

My bed for tonight ☺

Please keep CJ and I in your prayers tomorrow -- we will do the same. 

Buen Camino. 

1 comment:

  1. We will be praying for both of you. Bernie seems to want to sleep with me tonight.He takes up most of the bed...many blessings on both of you tomorrow.
