Monday, May 22, 2017


Today was a very long day! 

I squeaked out of work a little bit early (thanks again Vicki!!) and went home to grab my pack, double check the list to make sure nothing was forgotten, and snuggle Bernie one more time before heading to the airport. We were fortunate when we arrived at the airport -- there was a line at least seventy five people long waiting to check in at the desk (judging by the plethora of Disney shirts and ear hats I'd say they were a large group headed out Florida), but no waiting at the kiosks. We easily checked in and we're through security and our our gate with enough time to enjoy a cup of coffee before boarding our first flight to Chicago. In Chicago we had a few hours layover, but that was nice because I was in dire need of a nap. I found an out of the way spot to curl up and sleep while CJ sat nearby and watched a movie. From Chicago we flew all the way to Madrid -- you'd have to ask CJ how the flight was: I slept the. entire. way. Once we arrived in Madrid (around seven am) we maneuvered our way through customs and security, had some coffee, and waited for our next flight: to A Coruña. Finally at one thirty pm we were finished flying -- but we were not at our final destination. Now it was time for the bus(es). From the airport we took a bus to the main bus station in A Coruña and then took a bus to Ferrol. Phew. 

Once in Ferrol, we found our way to the harbor via trial and error. The guidebook said, and I quote "once you come out of the bus station, you take the only obvious  route to the city streets and continue on until you come to the first big plaza". We must not do obvious well. Never the less, we found our way (with a little help from a friendly passerbyer) and arrived at the starting point for the Camino Inglés. 

A bit of disappointment came when we arrived at the pilgrim office to find it closed -- apparently we (nor the guidebook nor the other pilgrims at the locked door) didn't know that the office is closed on Mondays. (sigh) We looked out over the harbor and then started the search for somewhere to sleep. Ferrol, though it is the starting point for the Camino Inglés, does not have any albergues; so we found a nice hostel with a private room to get a good night's rest before starting out in the morning. Once we checked in and put down our packs, we laid down to take a nap -- that got way out of hand. Instead of sleeping for an hour or two, we slept for nearly five; which is how we ended up enjoying a nice dinner at Bla Bla Café at eleven o'clock at night. haha And now we are back at our room, organizing our packs and preparing for tomorrow. We need to get an early start since tomorrow is a far day of walking, so sleep is in the very near future! 

We didn't take many photos, but here are the few from today: 

On the plane and headed for Spain! 

the stone that marks the starting point 

It is always comforting to see a marker that confirms you're going the right way! 

How would I know I'm at home in Spain if I didn't eat my weight in croquetas?! 

Reading over the guide book so we get started on the right path in the morning ...

And our bed for the night. 

Tomorrow we will rise early and begin our pilgrimage -- I cannot wait to be out on the trails, step after step: in silent prayer, in conversation with fellow pilgrims, and hand in hand with my love. 

Buen Camino. 

1 comment:

  1. So excited for both of you. Can't wait to see all your pictures and hear about your adventures. Hope your first day of walking went well!
